What to do when tire pressure drops? - OHS Body Shop

Modern vehicles are loaded with various detectors that tell you right away if there are any deviations in your car’s system. A Tire pressure indicator is one of them. You may find a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) indicator that will announce pressure drop right away in most cars.

So, what do you do in this case? There are many answers to these questions. Simply because there is more than one reason for a tire pressure drop. 

In this article, we shall overview the most common ones and give brief instructions on how to act in each event. However, you should remember that most of those solutions are temporary, and you should still address a professional mechanic to avoid wheel damage and costly repairs in the future.

Tire pressure loss – reasons and solutions

There are two main reasons for a tire pressure loss:

  • Wheel damage;
  • Tire issues.

Let’s take a closer look at them and see what could go wrong in your case.

Wheel Damage

  • Damaged Valve system.

    Throughout the vehicle’s life, the valve system constantly exposes numerous chemicals on the road and extreme temperatures. It inevitably leads to its wear-off and damage. Usually, you get a new set of valves every time you replace the tires. However, in some cases, valves need replacement more frequently as they start to leak air leading to a pressure drop. Most of the time, regular tightening and replacement of those valves will solve the problem instantly.
  • Bent wheel.

    It happens over long and heavy exploitation or due to bumping an obstacle on the road. However, wheel bent is also a common reason for a tire pressure drop as it compromises the grip between the tire and the wheel. In this case, the only solution is to go straight to a qualified mechanic to avoid further damage.

Tire Damage

Whether you drive in a city or upstate, numerous pretty standard tire damage reasons naturally lead to air pressure drop.

  • Nails.

    Puncturing the tire, they are the most common and notorious reason for a tire pressure drop. No matter how tempting it may seem at the moment, don’t try to take a nail out of the tire right after you notice it. Being the reason for pressure loss, it also works as a patch in a way. Taking it out may lead to an instant deflate. However, it has to be extracted to avoid a flat tire in the middle of the road and further wheel damage. Therefore, once you notice a nail in your tire, you should drive straight to a Body Shop for urgent repair service.
  • Bead Damage.
    The sealing surface between rubber and metal is also vulnerable enough to cause pressure loss. Damage on the road, debris, and simple aging are the most common reasons why a small window may open in the area, letting air out. However, elasticity loss of aging rubber might be the most notorious issue in this case. That is why it is essential to buy your tires from a credible source or at least to know for sure the age of tires you are installing on your vehicle.
  • Damage on-the-go.

    Hitting an obstacle on the road or driving over a pothole often causes a tire to flex sideways and lose air. If it is a one-time event that did not cause any physical damage to the wheel or tire, you may need to re-inflate the tire and continue driving. However, it is always a good idea to let a professional mechanic take a look at your tire in the nearest future to make sure that there is no puncturing, bulges, or cuts you might have missed.
  • You can easily avoid most of those issues if you take your vehicle for maintenance checkups regularly and ignore warning indicators. Here at OHS Body Shop, we understand how important it is to take good care of your car to protect you and your family.

    OHS Body Shop serves the Greater Flathead Valley and offers auto body repairs and more at our service centers in Kalispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls and Polson. Visit the closest to you to get comprehensive consultation from our qualified mechanics and the best prices in the area for all kinds of service.