The 3 Things You Need To Do Before Selling Your Car - OHS Body Shop

Although a car is not a luxury anymore but an integral part of almost everyone’s life, it is still an investment. That is why it is pretty natural that you wish to get a good offer for your vehicle when you decide to put it on the market.

At the same time, a person who is planning to buy it from you also wants to get the most for their money. That is why they will inspect it thoroughly before purchase, pointing out every possible defect and trying to bring the price down.

In this article, we shall talk about how to prepare your vehicle for sale and make it most marketable without having to invest loads of money in pre-sale maintenance.

Start with a deep clean

There is no second chance to make the first impression, and the cleanness of your car will in any way determine whether a prospective seller sees your vehicle as a good investment.

However, clearing the trash can and removing your personal belongings may not be enough for thorough pre-sale preparation. Make sure to clear all the stains from seats and interior, vacuum the carpets and get rid of “funky” odors and dirt. And, of course, wash and wax the vehicle.

Even if you have been cleaning the car yourself all that time and always considered it clean and well-maintained, it is a good idea to take the vehicle to a car wash and trust professionals, their skills and products when it comes to a pre-sale preparation.

It is a minor investment that will immediately pay off as soon as the prospective customer falls in love with your car at first sight.

Check and fix!

While the looks are important, when it comes to vehicles, the technical condition is vital. Even the best-looking car with custom paintwork won’t sell if the engine, brakes, and other essential systems are faulty or worn out.

It is best to take the vehicle to a thorough check-up before you show it to any potential buyers, have all the fluids replaced, brakes checked, lights fixed and cleaned, etc.

Even the slightest “weird” noise or vibration that may occur when a buyer tries out the car can become a dealbreaker.
Many garages and professional mechanics offer such special services as “Pre-sale maintenance,” paying attention precisely to the things that will affect the deal.

Devil in the details

So, you have cleaned the car thoroughly, changed the oil, checked the brakes, and are sure that you will have a clean hand-to-hand with the very first buyer who comes to check out your car.

But, as we have mentioned before, your buyer will most certainly be determined to reduce the price and will be happy to use every small detail, dent, or rust spot to do so.

If you have been driving the car for many years, you may sometimes not notice that there may be minor dents from last year’s hailstorm, slight scratches on the door, or a dent on a bumper. But the buyer probably will notice it right away!

Not to mention the fact that seemingly minor damage may affect the car’s electric system, work of parking detectors, etc.

Time to head to a credible body shop! Here professional and experienced mechanics will notice and touch up all the visible blemishes on the paint job and fix fender benders, bumper dents, and other more serious damage to the car’s body that can become a dealbreaker for your buyer.

Do you want to learn more about pre-sale preparations or make sure that your car is checked by experienced professionals? Contact OHS Body Shop today!

You will find our branches all over Montana’s Greater Flathead Valley, in Kalispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls and Polson. Here you can do the routine check-ups for your vehicle, urgent and post-collision repairs, or make sure that your car is at its most marketable state before putting it on the market.